Decentralized SC Technologies
M8kit has been designed to fill a significant need despite decades of solutions promising to promote manufacturing and supply chain collaboration that have promised “solutions” yet majority maybe up to 90% of cross enterprise and even inter enterprise manufacturing schedules and supply chain palnning collaboration is done by email and spreadsheets.
We believe this is primary done because entities require a decentralized loosely coupled collaborative approach and technology (e.g. spreadsheets and email) but the supply chain IT community continues to push a centralized technology platform. They all want you to use THERE format, THERE technology THERE production format even use all the same tool (e.g ERP planning tech). When in reality none of these solutions work.
What is required is a decentralized, collaborative format, technology, messaging, replication capability. We at DCRA and M8it have deployed these solutions for S&OP for decades but only now a scalable technology has emerged to scale and standardize this process – Blockchain.
See our summary videos of comparison of today’s spreadsheet and email process or worse copying files to a centralized cloud vs. the edge computing blockchain solution that allows near real time sharing of schedules and plans and synchronization of the data
These tools work with any production planning, supply chain scheduling, spreadsheets, ERP scheduling system that you might select
To optimize the new decentralized model will eventually require an S&OP solution built for decentralized planning process. DCRA Technologies have built this solution and deployed over the past decade and rapidly deploying via smart contracts and Dapps so you can have the future now

Specific industry or functional case studies
· Total Order Fulfillment Methodology
· Outsourcing Design and RFP process
· Unique Value diagnostic services
· Collaborative technology services for Logistics, Sales and Operations Planning
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11447 Reeder Road, Dallas TX 75229
Directions to DCRA Technologies and DCRA Inc. HQ
Blockchain Planning Interchange BPI

DCRA Technologies has been created to leverage decades of experience of deploying extended enterprise planning synchronization and coordination.

See Blockchain Planning Enterprise in Action
Let stop and show a brief overview of how the BPI (Blockchain Planning Interchange) works in an outsourced manufacturing use case
It has been our founders view since the early 90’s that production and planning time phased array data can be asynchronously shared and collaborated on without relying on centralized computing technology. In many forms centralized technology become a dam or block to the flow of agility and customer responsiveness as well destroys methods to lower working capital and create build to order inventory models
To this end Mr. Kirkegaard patented this concept in 1996 when first entering the supply chain technology space from his experience in leading key supply chain efforts at Booz Allena and Hamilton management consulting work. In his early days at Booz Allen Mr. Kirkegaard led client efforts in rewriting Manugistics DRP technology and was an early pioneer in decentralized groupware technologies. In these experiences realized the propery production coordination would combine these two enablers and built and patented decentralized technologies to coordinate production.
However, in following years now decades the teaser of simplifying IT overhead and cutting fixed and variable costing of IT with internet cloud computing has in essence mislead buyers of solutions to global manufacturing coordination.
Companies and entities NEVER share everything and definitely not at the same time and thus efforts to put copies of production data in synchronous on-lie clouds without engineering for request and promise of private supply chain planning data have largely failed.
DCRA inc. has helped client deploy asynchronous, decentralized, distributed technology for S&OP and all its supporting processes since its founding in 2001 and has watched companies claim “the answer” with centralized cloud S&OP only to watch one after one fail to gain traction. At the same time as of 2018 many analyst report 90 + percent of all cross enterprise and even inter enterprise coordination of production happens using spreadsheets and email
DCRA has kept an eye out every day , every week for past 1o years from a leveraged enabler to scale what is the real workflow. We first had hope for technologies like XQuery, then Hadoop as well as Java Webstart and key technologies we have written and deployed for clients.
Then over past 18 months we have see the fundamentals behind Bitcoin’s effort to circumvent central bank manipulation of currency create the Blockchain enablers found in Hyperledger, Ethereum, in respective permissioned and non permissioned blockchain solutions. Thus are testing started to deploy our global DECENTRALIZED S&OP on blockchain in mid 2017. We have found this to be quite simple and highly scalable thus enabling the proper loosely coupled technology but tightly compled business realtionships S&OP and the data that supports S&OP requires

So here is a simple animation describing how the Blockchain Planning Interchange (BPI) works and why is highly scalable and is a scalable way to allow scale the REAL workflow currently deployed by ALL using spreadsheets and email
Our current mode is to disclose our breakthrough to key investors and target clients and this information is highly confidential and you are viewing this as you have consented to a Non Disclosure Agreement.
We are very interested in helping target clients participate in the BPI decentralized network and allow participation via a use case token. This token investment has tremendous potential for capital appreciation. So an extremely unique opportunity to participate in a proven capability to solve a need never possible before through purchase of use tokens that has the potential for tremendous price appreciation.
So lets sit down and design your use case. Here is a simple use case visualization to help you inculcate the opportunity and apply to your business