In response to SOPTrends good post on S&OP on whether “crossing the chasm” metaphor applies to S&OP adoption… A good discussion… see link below
Niels and Trevor
So looks like “we” are on to something ? S&OP is much more the software, much more then a software category ?
We have always thought that and why our efforts at DCRA have always been targeted as business solutions not software ? We have avoided being tagged as software or competing like a software business for many reasons.
So maybe what really needs to happen is their should be some serious focus on S&OP training in business, MBA programs, tons of awareness programs. I have been saying for years the problem is 90% of business’ and business leaders don’t know what they don’t know ? They don’t know how S&OP is a better forward looking measurement system then anything else.
How do we get to the 90% and let them know what they don’t know ?
We at DCRA INc. have engaged in numerous efforts to raise the awareness and where we can personally engage it always works but we have “no scale” as a smaller business ?
Maybe we need some sort of formal alliance in the form of a “non profit” to donate resources, technology, talent etc. Our contribution to improving companies and the careers of all inside the companies at all levels ?