Blockchain & Supplychain / S&OP

We at DCRA have watched for decades how traditional information technology resources take any problem and when applying technology tend to if not openly push to centralize the solution.    We believe the answer in supply chain and in particular S&OP is the a decentralized computing architecture

We have used the approach for decades with enormous ROI success for clients but when we turn technology to IT they tend to centralize.   Or in the case of our pioneering S&OP solutions approach using decentralized S&OP the big players have copied but pushed solution to a centralized approach and then to a cloud.  Always deaminizing spreadsheets as “evil”.

I reality surveys have shown as high as 90% of all real S&OP and my guess 100% of cross company S&OP is done using spreadsheets and email.

We have solved this problem but historically there has not been a platform to scale this approach.    Watch us over next few weeks and months release truly disruptive additions to our suite of technology that makes this distributed S&OP approach available to all

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